
Eco-Conscious Coaching: Promoting Sustainability in Sports Programs

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Hello, everyone! I’m Guy Monseair, the head coach at City Island Rowing, and today I want to talk about a topic that’s incredibly important to me both personally and professionally— the responsibility and opportunity that we have as coaches to make our athletes eco friendly! As someone who’s spent a lifetime surrounded by nature, from photographing wildlife in Zimbabwe,  working on farms in the Australian outback, to spending thousands of hours on various waterways as a rowing coach, being aware of our ecology and the desire to protect and indeed improve it, has become something I am passionate aboutI Let’s dive into how we can implement eco-conscious practices that benefit not only our athletes but also the world around us.

Starting with the Basics: Reducing Waste

One of the first steps we took at City Island Rowing towards making our program more sustainable was reducing waste. The number one way we can make an easy difference is to stop using “one use” water and gatorade bottles. It’s an incredible waste – and worse still, at the end of every regatta we throw out dozens of bottles that were never finished in the first place.To tackle this, we introduced a policy of “bring your own bottles” (for athletes and parents) and set up water refill stations around our facilities. We also started purchasing snacks in bulk to minimize packaging waste. We also strongly encourage people to only take what they plan to eat… they can eat as much as they want, but please don’t waste! These changes were small, but they significantly reduced the amount of trash we produced during training sessions and especially at regattas.

Fostering eco stewardship.

We are so incredibly lucky that our sport takes place in the great outdoors, with beauty everywhere we look. In this day and age, with many of our athletes living up to their moniker of “screenagers” I take every opportunity to implore my athletes to take in the natural beauty that surrounds them. At the end of a grueling piece we will pause to consider the sunrise, or the sunset. We note and enjoy the shore birds busying themselves along the mud flats, and on the rare occasion delight at seeing a dolphin – yes even here on City Island! Another practice stopping event would be the spotting of a seal, which always creates excitement from our girls. I strongly believe that by encouraging our athletes to love the outdoors, we will instill in them the desire to become thoughtful and active stewards of the outdoors, especially as they become adults. 

Eco-Friendly Equipment Choices

In rowing, like in many sports, equipment can have a significant environmental impact. An easy and obvious choice, even many years ago when the practice was less common, we insisted that all our outboard engines were 4 stroke, rather than the horrendously polluting 2 stroke engines. 

All of the lighting at our marina has been swapped out for eco-friendly led lights, and they are on a combination of timers and motion activated so we only use the bare essential electricity. We are planning to make a “solar charging station” for all of our electronic equipment this summer. We even consider the little things… all of our storage totes are made from recycled materials, and we make it a point to maintain our equipment meticulously with biodegradable soap. We fully understand that these small choices by themselves do not necessarily make a difference… but if we can create an eco friendly mindset among our athletes, hopefully these ideas will become a part of their culture as adults and they can make pro-active eco friendly choices in their lives away from rowing.

Sustainable Travel Plans

Travel is an integral part of competitive sports, but it can also be one of the least environmentally friendly aspects. To address this, we’ve been attending more local competitions and encouraging carpooling among our team members when traveling to practice and regattas. 

Building a Green Community

Finally, it’s about reaching beyond our immediate circle and influencing the larger community. We participate in local clean-up days and partner with environmental organizations to support their projects. We’ve found that these activities not only help the environment but also build team spirit and give our athletes a sense of pride and accomplishment in contributing to a cause that’s bigger than sports. In the past we have coordinated with the Hutchinson River Restoration Project, and look forward to working with them again in the future.


Adopting eco-conscious practices at City Island Rowing has been an enlightening and rewarding journey. It goes to show that sports, often seen just as physical pursuits, can play a valuable role in promoting environmental positive habits . We are not just training athletes; we are cultivating responsible citizens who are aware of their impact on the world.

The changes we make today, no matter how small, will help ensure that future generations can enjoy both the sport of rowing and the natural world around us. As coaches, administrators, or even athletes, we have the power and responsibility to lead by example and make sustainability a core part of our sports culture. Let’s row toward a greener future together!

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